4 Reasons Google Doesn’t Rank Your Website

Social Media Freaks
5 min readJul 29, 2021

Anyone can be asked to locate a specific product or service. What do they do right away? I’m prepared to guess that the majority of people would look up the solution on Google.

If you ask any business owner if they want their website to be on Google’s first page, they’ll almost surely reply yes.

While it’s true that SEO methods have evolved and that keyword ranks are influenced by a variety of factors, there’s no denying that rankings are still important.

Every second, 67,165 searches are made, according to Internet Live. That’s 67,000 unique sets of eyes that could see your website and learn about your company.


There’s a good chance your site isn’t ranking for multiple reasons. To be fair, this is far from a comprehensive list of Google’s top six ranking variables.

Instead, it’s a less technical description of the most common blunders made by website owners when attempting to rank well in search engines. Six of the most typical faults you’ll find on low-ranking websites are listed below.

1. No keyword strategy

2. No keyword & keyword stuffing

3. Thin content

4. On-page optimization


It’s critical to know exactly what the user (your possible target market) is looking for and what words they’re utilizing while generating content. Only using product numbers, too technical terms, or terms particular to your own brand will not help you attract traffic to your site.

For example, if my store is called Bob’s BBQ Grills, having a goal of ranking for “Model 394-G4TA Grill” makes little sense if no one searches for that term. Instead, I should devise a keyword approach that targets the following terms:

1. People are looking for

2. Are relevant to the product/service I provide

3. Include a decent balance of generic, often searched terms and specific, less frequently searched terms related to those products/services

A keyword approach must come first before anything else. Keywords will assist you in better understanding your target demographic and will serve as the foundation for future content across all of your brand’s platforms.


Websites that are developed strategically know how to use keywords. Low-ranking websites frequently lack pages dedicated to certain terms. Surprisingly, some websites don’t even use the keyword/s in their content.

To be clear, this does not imply that repeating your term on every page of your website is a smart idea. For example, if your keyword is “BBQ grill,” and your page content is “BBQ grills are fantastic because I love grilling on grills to BBQ,” your keyword is “BBQ grill.”

Remember to visit our BBQ grill store to purchase our grills.” This will do nothing but make the user confused, and Google will penalize you for keyword stuffing.

Google has become more intelligent, so you don’t have to stick to one keyword and plug it in as many times as possible.

Creating content (see the following suggestion) that discusses your keyword and employs closely related phrases in a clear and strategic manner can assist the user in finding what they’re looking for while also helping you increase your search ranking.

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Search engines are concerned with providing the best possible results to the user, and rank websites depending on how closely they match the keyword or phrase typed in. Search engines are unconcerned with what keywords website owners wish to rank for.

For example, if I want to rank for the term “BBQ grills” (because that’s what my site sells), a page with only the following content won’t help me much for my ranking.

Telling someone you sell BBQ grills in two sentences does not make you a subject matter expert in Google’s eyes. You haven’t given Google any reason to put you on the top page of a search for “BBQ grills.”

However, a well-written page (ideally 500 words or more) explaining why you are the industry leader in BBQ grills, key features to look for in a BBQ grill, and common blunders to avoid when shopping for a new BBQ grill will signal to Google that you are a trustworthy subject matter expert and will give you a much better chance of ranking well.


The next step is to optimize the Meta tags when your content has been appropriately produced with the appropriate keywords/phrases. (For more information on Meta tags, see our SEO basics .)

Most title tags will have the page name or the page name plus the brand following them by default. Now pay close attention to the Meta description, which appears on the search results page.

It is significant once your pages start ranking, even though it is not a direct ranking factor. The Meta description is essentially an “advertisement” designed to persuade people to choose your listing above the others.

If you don’t add a Meta description, Google will usually take anything from the page, which may be as simple as the first line or two. Take charge and write your own descriptions to help yourself out!

Originally Published at Socialmediafreaks on 29 July 2021



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